Maria Gertrude Houben

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Mathijs Hubertus Houben
Moeder: Bernardina Wings
Geboren: 30 Dec 1908 Meerssen
Religie: Rooms Katholiek
Beroep: ziekenzuster
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Houben
First Name: Maria
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Profession: NURSE
Place during the war: Amersfoort, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Amersfoort, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/2672)
In July 1942, the four members of the Pais family of Amsterdam---parents, son, and daughter---went into hiding. After staying at several temporary addresses, they were escorted to the village of Voorthuizen, Gelderland. There, the family was arrested and imprisoned. However, eight-year-old Myra cleverly feigned illness and was hospitalized in the Elisabeth Hospital in Amersfoort, Utrecht. The German authorities decreed that the whole family should be deported as soon as Myra was discharged from the hospital. When the doctors discovered that the child was not actually sick, they wanted to send her away. Fortunately, a nurse, Maria Houben, Sister Eunomia, thwarted the staff’s efforts and hid the girl in the hospital. By doing this, Maria further delayed the deportation of the Pais family. With time on their side, the family managed to escape from prison and go into hiding. Maria subsequently continued to care for Myra whereas her family found various other hiding places from October 1942 until September 1944. After the war, Myra maintained a close relationship with Maria.
On September 27, 1983, Yad Vashem recognized Maria G. Houben (Sister Eunomia) as Righteous Among the Nations.