Maria Elisabeth Coumans

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Gerard Coumans
Moeder: Joanna Maria Janssen
Geboren: 7 MRT 1889 Sevenum
Overleden: 22 Aug 1965 Horst
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Hoeymakers
First Name: Maria Elisabeth
Maiden Name: Coumans
Date of Birth: 07/03/1889
Date of death: 22/08/1965
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Profession: FARMERS WIFE
Place during the war: Sevenum, Limburg, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Sevenum, Limburg, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/2497)
Karl and Bertha Winter and their two daughters, Miriam and Ruth, German Jews, fled to Holland before the war. The elder daughter, Miriam, went into hiding in 1942, and at a later date the rest of the family decided to seek shelter. They were living in Venlo, Limburg, and so they were put in contact with Piet Arts*, who was active in the local underground. Piet provided them all with safe addresses in Sevenum-Helenaveen, and the family moved around this small area, sometimes together, sometimes separated. In the fall of 1944, the fighting came to Limburg. Sevenum suffered greatly from bombings, raids, and looting soldiers. A large number of local men aged between 16 and 60 were taken to Germany for forced labor. Some were exempted and others managed to evade it by going into hiding. Until this time, Karl and his wife were hiding with the Willemsens*, but the severity of the situation forced them to leave. Through Ann Smits, a girl Miriam had become friendly with, she found a shelter for Karl with the Hoeymakers, a wealthy farming family who agreed to hide Karl at no charge, despite the fact that they were simultaneously billeting German soldiers in their residence. The Hoeymakers family hid Karl and some non-Jewish fugitives in the barn, behind a haystack, where a small window offered them some daylight. Karl stayed there for only a short time before moving to another address in Sevenum.
On February 10, 1983, Yad Vashem recognized Joannes Hendrikus Hoeymakers, his wife, Maria Elisabeth Hoeymakers-Coumans, and their children, Catherina Christina Petronella Hoeymakers, Theodora Johanna Christina Hoeymakers, Peter Jan Hoeymakers, and Jan Hubertus Hoeymakers, as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Joannes Hendrikus Hoeijmakers geb. 23 Sept 1882
Huwelijk: 21 Sept 1922 Sevenum
  Catherina Christina Petronella Hoeijmakers Female geb. 1919
  Theodora Johanna Christina Hoeijmakers Female geb. 1925
  Peter Jan Hoeijmakers Female geb. 1927
  Johanna Theodora Hoeijmakers Female geb. 1929 overl. 26 Juli 1929
  Jan Hubertus Hoeijmakers Female geb. 1932