Jacoba Johanna Dieters
Geslacht: | Vrouw | |
Vader: | Antonie Frederik Dieters | |
Moeder: | Frederika Tuithof | |
Geboren: | 21 MRT 1920 | Amersfoort |
Overleden: | 21 OKT 1996 | |
Aantekeningen: | Boeijinga Jacoba (1920 - 1996 ) Personal Information Last Name: Boeijinga First Name: Jacoba Johanna Maiden Name: Dieters Date of Birth: 21/03/1920 Date of death: 21/10/1996 Rescuer's fate: survived Nationality: THE NETHERLANDS Gender: Female Organization/ Religious order: Trouw Place during the war: Hengelo, Overijssel, The Netherlands Rescue Place: Hengelo, Overijssel, The Netherlands Rescue mode: Hiding File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/3108) Commemoration Date of Recognition: 05/02/1985 Righteous Commemorated with Tree/Wall of Honor: Wall of Honor Ceremony organized by Israeli diplomatic delegation in: The Hague, Netherlands Rescued Persons Pachter, Clara Rescue Story Boeijinga, Ruurd & Jacoba Johanna (Dieters) Clara Pachter, a Jewish woman from Amsterdam, was 29 years old in 1942 when the deportation of the Jews in Holland was in full swing and she decided to go into hiding. Her close friend Bernadina had a sister, Jacoba, who, together with her new husband, Ruurd, whom she had married in July 1942, agreed to hide Clara. She went to their house on December 1 of that year and stayed with them until two months after the end of the war. Her story was that her (nonexistent) husband had been drafted for forced labor in Germany and that Hengelo, Overijssel, was easier for him to get to than Amsterdam. Jacoba and Ruurd took a great risk in hiding Clara because Ruurd was the commander of a hit squad (KP) in the Hengelo area, which already put him in danger. Clara had false papers so that she could move about fairly freely and was able to help Ruurd in his Resistance work, distributing the Strijdend Nederland newspaper, which Ruurd published, as well as Trouw. Initially, Clara was able to pay her hosts 25 guilders a week, but when the money ran out they nevertheless continued to look after her without any remuneration. On February 5, 1985, Yad Vashem recognized Ruurd Boeijinga and his wife, Jacoba Boeijinga-Dieters, as Righteous Among the Nations. |
Gezin 1
Huwelijkspartner: | Ruurd Boeijinga | geb. 27 Dec 1916 overl. 5 OKT 2013 |
Huwelijk: | 1942 | onbekend |