
Edouard Henri von Baumhauer

Geslacht: Man
Vader: Edouard Marie von Baumhauer
Moeder: Elisabeth Menalda
Geboren: 10 Feb 1890 Haarlem
Overleden: 5 MEI 1950 Amsterdam
Beroep: advocaat
Aantekeningen: Personal Information
Last Name: Baumhauer von
First Name: Edouard
Date of Birth: 10/02/1890
Date of death: 05/05/1950
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Male
Profession: ATTORNEY
Place during the war: Vierhouten, Gelderland, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Vierhouten, Gelderland, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
Supplying basic goods
Providing forged documents
Rescue Story
Baumhauer von, Edouard Henri & Hermina Jacoba Johanna (Ribbink)
Attorney Edouard von Baumhauer, who came from a prominent German family, helped hide around 100 Jews near to his country estate. A lawyer from Amsterdam, Edouard was president of the Holland-America Trade Council and consultant for two other trade bodies. In September 1940 most foreign trade was halted and Edouard, his wife Hermina and their three children decided to move to their spacious villa outside Vierhouten, Gelderland. In 1941, the couple invited Jews to hide at the villa, which consisted of seven bedrooms with 25 beds. A 150-yard escape tunnel was constructed to connect the cellar with the nearby woods. When the house became too crowded Edouard rented houses for the Jews in the village. He also began surveying the woods with a view to hiding more Jews. On one of his walks he came across Dionisius Bakker*, of Nunspeet, who was also trying to see if the woods would make a good hiding place. Together they decided on a suitable location around the fire ranger station and organized a camp consisting of tents, barracks, and underground facilities which later became known as the “watch-out camp”. Trusted craftsmen were sent to install water, electricity, and other necessities, and some 100 fugitives lived there, among them many Jews but also non-Jewish Resistance workers and Allied pilots. On 29 November 1944, the Germans discovered the camp but most of the Jews managed to escape thanks to early warnings. Eight people had remained there, however, and were executed on the spot by the Germans. The refugees were brought to the von Baumhauer villa, where they were given new identity cards and food coupons as evacuees from the bombed-out city of Arnhem.
On July 20, 1999, Yad Vashem recognized Edouard Henri von Baumhauer and his wife, Hermina Jacoba Johanna von Baumhauer-Ribbink, as Righteous Among the Nations.
Nationaal Archief
Nummer archiefinventaris:
Inventaris van het archief van de familie von Baumhauer, 1513-2005
389-396 Stukken betreffende zijn aktiviteiten in het verzet tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog.
1941-1948 11 stukken en 2 omslagen
Zie ook inv.nrs. 412-415.
389 Stukken betreffende zijn gijzeling door de Duitsers te St.-Michielsgestel, 1942
390 Verklaringen van Dr. H.A. Simon over zijn positieve houding als vertegenwoordiger van de Deutsche Bank voor de Tweede Wereldoorlog, 1944, 5 stukken
391 Verklaring van de burgemeester van Ermelo en Nunspeet waarbij hem wordt toegestaan te bemiddelen tussen de Deutsche Wehrmacht en de bevolking van Vierhouten inzake inkwartiering en vorderingen, 1945, 1 stuk
392 Verklaring van de Gemeente Ermelo over hem als 'Local representative, authorized to decide in all matters', 1945, 1 stuk
In het Engels.
393 Bewijs van vrijstelling voor hem van Veiligheidsmaatregelen, uitgegeven door het Commissariaat Militair Gezag in het district Harderwijk, 1945, 1 stuk
394 Correspondentie met personen uit het verzet en met onderduikers, 1945
395 Rapporten door hem en zijn echtgenote opgesteld inzake door hen verleende financiele steun en de redding van diverse personen,
fotokopieen, 1948 en z.j., 1 omslag
396 'Onze gevallen oorlogsvrienden', tekstbijdrage van hem aan de publicatie van H. van der Duim 'Wij herdenken', 1945, fotokopie, in tweevoud, z.j. (ca. 1980), 2 stukken

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Hermina Jacoba Johanna Ribbink geb. 4 Juli 1895 overl. 7 Feb 1986
Huwelijk: 30 OKT 1922 Rotterdam