Gezina Maria van Voorn

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Johannes van Voorn
Moeder: Anje Veen
Geboren: 25 MEI 1891 Onderdendam, gem Bedum
Overleden: 1 OKT 1962
Religie: Bapt.
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Hove ten
First Name: Gezina Maria
Maiden Name: Voorn van
Date of Birth: 25/05/1891
Date of death: 01/10/1962
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Place during the war: Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/3295)
Tjaard and Gezina ten Hove from the city of Utrecht were already hiding a two-year-old Jewish girl, Anneke Graez, when they were approached with a request to shelter Hans Georg Gelbarb, an eight-year-old Austrian boy. Hans had been sent on a train from Vienna to Holland by his parents in December 1938, when he was aged only four. He lived with Lies and Maurice Cane in Amsterdam. In the summer of 1942, when the persecution of Dutch Jewry intensified, the Canes had to go into hiding and, out of desperation they turned to a Protestant minister to help find Hans a new safe address. The ten Hoves were devout Protestants and were inspired by religion to endanger their own lives in the struggle to save children’s lives, and so they agreed to hide Hans. For two years, Hans lived a normal life with the ten Hoves. He attended the school at Domplein, the main square in Utrecht. The school principal, Mr. van Evert, allowed Hans to attend the school despite his not having the required papers. Other people in the area, who knew about the fugitive children, collaborated in order to make their lives as normal as possible. However, Anna and Hans did not exist legally and so they received no food coupons. This was an added problem for the ten Hove family. Nevertheless, two of the ten Hoves’ adult daughters personally cared for the fugitives. Annie, a nurse, took special care of Anna and Jannie, a teacher, took charge of Hans. The Canes perished in Auschwitz, but Hans’s parents survived the war and returned to Vienna. Through an advertisement in the Dutch Jewish Weekly, they located their son.
On December 12, 1985, Yad Vashem recognized Tjaard ten Hove and his wife, Gezina Maria ten Hove-van Voorn, as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Tjaard ten Hove geb. 28 Juni 1888 overl. 23 Juni 1967
Huwelijk: 13 Dec 1915 Groningen
  Jantje Roelfina ten Hove Female geb. 23 MEI 1919
  Anje Johanna ten Hove Female geb. 3 OKT 1916