Maria Adriana van Rijn
Geslacht: | Vrouw | |
Vader: | Johannes van Rijn | |
Moeder: | Wilhelmina Varkevisser | |
Geboren: | 1911 | Den Haag |
Aantekeningen: | Last Name: Meurs First Name: Maria Adriana Maiden Name: Rijn van Date of Birth: 14/10/1910 Rescuer's fate: survived Nationality: THE NETHERLANDS Gender: Female Place during the war: Leiden, Zuidholland, The Netherlands Rescue Place: Leiden, Zuidholland, The Netherlands Rescue mode: Hiding ; Arranging shelter File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/3189) From September 1943, C. Foster and his fiancée, Maria Catherina Lewis, found refuge in the home of Jan Willem van der Horst and his wife, Maria Adriana (later Meurs-van Rijn). The van der Horsts lived in Leiden, South Holland, where many Jews were hidden during the war. Jan and Maria provided the young Jewish couple with lodging, food, clothing, and anything else they needed while in hiding. Jan and Maria took loving care of their wards for the entire 18 months of their stay, until the liberation on May 5, 1945, all the time endangering their own lives and the lives of their children. During the course of the war, Jan and Maria also helped many other fugitives by offering them shelter for various lengths of time. Maria also found a safe hideout for the two van Cleef sisters. Thanks to Maria, the sisters survived the war, unlike their brother and his family, who all perished. Jan and Maria performed all their deeds with love and devotion. On April 29, 1985, Yad Vashem recognized Jan Willem van der Horst and his former wife, Maria Adriana Meurs-van Rijn, as Righteous Among the Nations. |
Gezin 1
Huwelijkspartner: | Jan Willem van der Horst | geb. 1906 overl. 24 Feb 1964 |
Huwelijk: | 6 Apr 1932 | Den Haag |