Johanna Coenradina Maria Galema
Geslacht: | Vrouw | |
Vader: | Nicolaas Ysbrand Galema | |
Moeder: | Katharina Cornelia Kuhlman | |
Geboren: | 19 OKT 1894 | Harlingen |
Aantekeningen: | Last Name: Hoogen First Name: Antonius Hendrikus Bernardus Date of Birth: 04/02/1898 Date of death: 18/06/1956 Rescuer's fate: survived Nationality: THE NETHERLANDS Gender: Male Profession: TELEGRAPHIST Place during the war: Haarlem, Noordholland, The Netherlands Rescue Place: Haarlem, Noordholland, The Netherlands Rescue mode: Hiding File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/7744) Three-year-old Alexander Pront's parents fled to Switzerland in 1942, but they could not take their son with them. A Mr. Klinkert found a hiding place for the boy with the Hoogen family in Haarlem, North Holland. Antonius Hoogen was a telegraph operator in the head office of the PTT in Amsterdam. He and his wife, Johanna, had two children, 12-year-old Ton and seven-year-old Toos. Alexander's name was changed to Fonsje Pronté, and because he had pronounced Jewish features the story was spread that he came from France. Only the local pastor knew that the child was Jewish. During the hunger winter, there was so little food that Alexander nearly died of starvation, but Johanna Hoogen did everything possible to take good care of him. Ton and Toos were taken to relatives who had more to eat, but Fonsje stayed with his foster parents and food was obtained for him from Friesland. After the war, Alexander went to live with his father's brother in Amsterdam, but he had become so attached to the Hoogens that he spent nearly every weekend with them. On October 13, 1997, Yad Vashem recognized Antonius Hendricus Bernardus Hoogen and his wife, Johanna Coenradina Maria Hoogen-Galema, as Righteous Among the Nations. |
Gezin 1
Huwelijkspartner: | Antonius Hendrikus Bernardus Hoogen | geb. 1889 overl. 18 Juni 1956 |
Huwelijk: | 17 Aug 1927 | Den Haag |