Jacob van der Haar
Geslacht: | Man | |
Vader: | Jacob van der Haar | |
Moeder: | Geertje Zwiggelaar | |
Geboren: | 23 Feb 1909 | Noord, Hoogeveen |
Beroep: | fabrieksarbeider | |
Aantekeningen: | Last Name: Haar van der First Name: Jacob Date of Birth: 23/02/1909 Date of death: 03/06/1994 Rescuer's fate: survived Nationality: THE NETHERLANDS Gender: Male Profession: CHAIRMAN AND TREASURER IN METAL WORK UNION Place during the war: Hoogeveen, Drenthe, The Netherlands Rescue Place: Hoogeveen, Drenthe, The Netherlands Rescue mode: Hiding File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/9341) Jacob and Klaasje van der Haar, in their thirties, lived in the town of Hoogeveen (prov. Drenthe) with their three young children. Jacob worked in a local metal factory. Soon after the German invasion, the van der Haars began to resist the new regime. When in the fall of 1942, a friend of the family who was active in a local resistance group, turned to the van der Haars for help in hiding a Jewish boy, they saw it their duty to open their home to him. In the summer of 1942, with the start of the deportations, Benjamin and Gila (née Meijer) Gokkes, from Groningen, had decided to seek a hiding place instead of heeding the order to report for work in the East. They turned to members of the local underground, who took their two-year-old son Joseph to a number of addresses, all temporary ones, until in November 1942, he was brought to the van der Haars. Now called Joop, he was presented to the van der Haar children and the outside world as a child whose father was working in Germany and whose mother was too ill to care for him. When a nosy neighbor commented that Joops father never came for furlough to visit him, the van der Haars asked a friend to pose as the father and pass by twice a year. Joseph was treated as their own child and soon he saw the van der Haars as his real parents, calling them mamma and pappa and the children as his brothers and sisters. As a preventive measure in case of imminent danger, the van der Haars arranged an escape plan with their immediate neighbors. A woman, active in the resistance, was able to forewarn the van der Haars a number of times of upcoming raids, so that Joseph could be whisked away. The van der Haar home was often a meeting place for resistance workers. Once, when collaborators came to the house looking for Jacob, daughter Truida hid Joseph in the attic until the coast was clear. In February 1945, a Jewish girl from Amsterdam, Sonja Peters, was also accepted into the van der Haar home. Both stayed until the liberation of the area in April 1945. After the war, Joseph was reunited with his biological parents. The separation from the van der Haars, however, was very traumatic for all. Later that year, a fourth van der Haar baby was born, who was called Joop after Joseph Gokkes. They stayed in close touch, also after Josephs immigration to Israel and the van der Haars to Australia. On May 7, 2001, Yad Vashem recognized Jacob van der Haar and Klaasje van der Haar-van der Weide, as Righteous Among the Nations. |
Gezin 1
Huwelijkspartner: | Klaasje van der Weide | geb. 16 Feb 1912 |
Huwelijk: | 20 Sept 1930 | Hoogeveen |