Maria Gerardina Huijs

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Theodoor Hubert Huijs
Moeder: Maria Petronella Billekens
Geboren: 20 Apr 1907 Sevenum
Overleden: 4 Sept 1987 Venray
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Goor van den
First Name: Maria Gerardina
Maiden Name: Huys
Date of Birth: 20/04/1907
Date of death: 04/09/1987
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Profession: FARMERS WIFE
Place during the war: Sevenum, Limburg, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Sevenum, Limburg, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/1323)
In 1939, Sophie Nussbaum (later Schulamit Jaari) moved from Germany to Holland and settled in the Youth Aliyah home in Loosdrecht, which she left when all the residents went into hiding in August 1942. In December 1943, she had to leave her hiding place and Elly Waterman and Piet Arts* took her to the van den Goor family in Sevenum, Limburg. Sevenum was a small, predominantly Catholic village. During the war, the villagers hid about 300 people including Jews, pilots, and students. The Germans suspected these activities but had difficulty in finding the fugitives or their hiding places. Hendrik and Gerardina van den Goor were hard working people who labored about 12 hours a day. Their eldest child was aged 11 when Sophie arrived at their home and Gerardina was expecting her eighth child at the time. Sophie helped her hosts by working on the farm and the van den Goors gave her a warm home, clothing, and shoes. They did not receive any help from the underground. At one point, the van den Goors received an anonymous letter from a collaborator threatening to tell the Germans that they were harboring a Jewish girl. This did not deter them from keeping Sophie sheltered in their home. On Sunday October 8, 1944, the Germans organized a raid of Sevenum and the neighboring villages in a desperate search for laborers. The church entrance was blocked and all able-bodied men, about 300 in Sevenum alone, were taken to forced labor camps in Germany. Hendrik was among them. Sevenum was liberated on November 22, 1944, and Sophie stayed with Gerardina until her husband returned from Germany after May 1945.
On March 9, 1978, Yad Vashem recognized Hendrik Hubert van den Goor and his wife, Gerardina van den Goor-Huys, as Righteous Among the Nations.

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Huwelijkspartner: Hendrik Hubert van den Goor geb. 17 Nov 1906
Huwelijk: 14 Juni 1933 Sevenum