Iman Jacob van den Bosch
Geslacht: | Man | |
Vader: | Isaac van den Bosch | |
Moeder: | Arnolda Gezina Anna Koppius | |
Geboren: | 30 MEI 1891 | Groningen |
Overleden: | 27 OKT 1944 | Westerbork |
Religie: | Ned. Hervormd | |
Beroep: | luitenant ter zee, procuratiehouder | |
Aantekeningen: | Last Name: Bosch van den First Name: Iman Jacob Date of Birth: 30/05/1891 Date of death: 27/10/1944 Rescuer's fate: murdered Cause of Death: EXECUTION Nationality: THE NETHERLANDS Gender: Male Profession: SAILOR Organization/ Religious order: Nationaal Steunfonds Place during the war: Eindhoven, Noordbrabant, The Netherlands, Den Helder, Noordholland, The Netherlands, Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands Rescue Place: Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands Rescue mode: Supplying basic goods Providing forged documents Other File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/726) After several local organizations had been established to support people in hiding, the Nationaal Steun Fonds (National Support Fund, NSF) was founded to balance the deficits and surpluses of the various districts of Holland. The organization raising funds in the western part of the country operated under the leadership of Iman Jacob van den Bosch, an ex-marine. Iman had worked for Philips in Eindhoven but was forced to leave the city in September 1942 and fled, first to Den Helder and then, to the city of Groningen. When the funding organizations decided to consolidate at the end of 1942, Iman became one of the chief organizers. Walraven van Hall* was the main organizer and was responsible for the western part of Holland, Iman was responsible for the north and Voorwinde/Gelderblom for the south. The NSF had a special subdivision called Vakgroep J, which managed the funds for the hidden Jews. This department had its own directors. Supporting about 800 to 900 charges, the group was established in late 1943. The money was distributed to small, illegal groups active in supporting hidden Jews. In Amsterdam, there were over 50 such groups. The maximum monthly amount paid by the NSF to any ward was 75 florins in the first year and 100 thereafter. The Vakgroep J also provided food coupons, false identity cards, and moral support. During the war, Walraven and Iman traveled the length and breadth of the country soliciting money from banks and wealthy individuals as well as from the less wealthy (though this complicated accountability, which was considered of prime importance). Loan guarantees were encoded and hidden away; it was a very risky business in which many people took part and lost their lives as a consequence. Altogether, the NSF managed to raise 106 million florins during the war. In all, 4,237 cases of financial support were registered and it has been estimated that the NSF supported about 8,000 Jews during the second half of the war. Iman remained active in the NSF until his arrest on October 18, 1944. In all, the Germans executed 85 of the people involved in NSF work. Walraven and Iman were among them. On September 26, 1978, Yad Vashem recognized Iman Jacob van den Bosch as Righteous Among the Nations. |
Gezin 1
Huwelijkspartner: | Ebba Vestesen | geb. 2 MRT 1896 |
Huwelijk: | 17 Juni 1916 | Den Haag |