Marten Cornelis Buurman
Geslacht: | Man | |
Vader: | Cornelis Buurman | |
Moeder: | Apolonia Gutteling | |
Geboren: | 10 MRT 1909 | Amsterdam |
Overleden: | 5 Jan 1995 | onbekend |
Beroep: | opzichter, kantoorbediende | |
Aantekeningen: | Last Name: Buurman First Name: Marten Cornelis Alias: COR Date of Birth: 10/03/1909 Date of death: 05/01/1995 Rescuer's fate: survived imprisoned Nationality: THE NETHERLANDS Gender: Male Organization/ Religious order: Nationaal Steunfonds Place during the war: Amsterdam, Noordholland, The Netherlands Rescue Place: Amsterdam, Noordholland, The Netherlands Rescue mode: Arranging shelter Providing forged documents Other File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/7534) When the war broke out, Marten Cornelis (Cor) Buurman was living in Amsterdam with his Jewish wife, Henderina Broekman. In early 1943, Cor initiated an effort to help save many of his wifes relatives, starting with Henderinas young nieces, Harriet and Jeanette Broekman (later Goldwasser and Bloch, respectively). Some time afterwards, when other Jewish families began to turn to Cor for assistance, he extended his help to many others, including the Slagter children. Shlomo Zvi Slagter and his sister were the first children that Cor helped who were not related to him. He found hideaways for the young fugitives and whenever they needed to be relocated he personally organized it. During the war, Cor was active in finding hiding places, maintaining contact with hidden people, and acting as an intermediary between dispersed relatives, in particular parents and children. Cor also became involved in various Resistance groups such as Amsterdam Vrije Groepen. The leadership of these underground groups often held meetings in the Buurmans home, which became a center of Resistance activity. Cor was also involved in falsifying documents and became the editor of two illegal newspapers, Vrije Gedachten and De Baanbreker. Furthermore, he was active in the NSF, an organization that financed hidden Jews and other clandestine activities. The Buurmans house was first raided in November 1943 and everyone there at the time was arrested. They were all soon freed apart from the Jewish wife of Cors friend Guus Trestorff, who was deported. In May 1944, the house was raided again. Cor was again arrested and released soon after as no evidence of wrongdoing was discovered. Cor was not deterred from performing his illegal activities and during the hunger winter of 1944--1945, he played an important role in supplying food to Jewish fugitives. In the first days after the liberation, when conditions were quite chaotic, Cor joined the auxiliary police force in Amsterdam, charged with the task of preventing revenge attacks. After the war, many people testified about the assistance given by Cor during the war. Both he and his wife were awarded the Resistance Memorial Cross. On July 7, 1997, Yad Vashem recognized Marten Cornelis Buurman as Righteous Among the Nations. |
Gezin 1
Huwelijkspartner: | Henderina Broekman | geb. 17 Jan 1909 |
Huwelijk: | 26 OKT 1933 | Amsterdam |
Kinderen: | ||
Kees Buurman
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geb. 23 OKT 1936 overl. 22 Aug 2007 |