Louise Theodora Somers

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Laurent Somers
Moeder: Anna Josephina Hoon
Geboren: 3 Jan 1890 Amsterdam
Overleden: 14 Nov 1966 Den Haag
Religie: W.H.
Beroep: secretaresse
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Dinkhuysen
First Name: Louisa Theodora
Maiden Name: Somers
Date of Birth: 03/01/1890
Date of death: 14/11/1966
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Place during the war: Haarlem, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Haarlem, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/2136)
On June 26, 1943, Rosalie Sitters, then ten years old, was brought to the Dinkhuysen family in Haarlem. From the outset, Rosalie was warmly received into the family. Wilhelmus and Louise treated her no differently from their own 12-year-old daughter. Despite this, Rosalie initially suffered from homesickness. However, as a result of the care and attention bestowed upon her by the Dinkhuysen family, within a few weeks Rosalie began to feel very much at home. For additional protection, the Dinkhuysens somehow arranged for Rosalie to receive a baptism certificate in the name of Johanna Goedhart. In November 1943, Wilhelmus passed away. In December of that year, a cousin, Maria van Soldt*, came to live in the Dinkhuysen home. She was awaiting the birth of her baby and the conditions there were more comfortable than in her own home. Maria van Soldt knew that Rosalie was not a niece of Louise's, the cover they had been using, and so she too became privy to the family secret. One day in early February, when Rosalie was sick in bed with the measles, her "cousin" heard some people talking in the street outside. She overheard someone say: "… and this is the daughter." The Dinkhuysens considered this interest in their family to be excessive and decided that Rosalie should be transferred to a new hideout. After the birth of her baby, Maria took Rosalie with her to her home in The Hague. Even though, while Rosalie was in The Hague, other Jews found refuge in the Dinkhuysens' home, when Rosalie returned to Haarlem, Louise was thrilled to have her back.
On October 21, 1981, Yad Vashem recognized Wilhelmus Christianus Josephus Dinkhuysen and his wife, Louise Theodora Dinkhuysen-Somers, as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Wilhelmus Christianus Josephus Dinkhuijsen geb. 26 MEI 1881 overl. 7 Nov 1943
Huwelijk: 5 Apr 1928 Amsterdam