Ceacilia Catharina Bosma

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Meye Bosma
Moeder: Johanna Aloysia Heins
Geboren: 21 Apr 1923 Lemmer, Lemsterland
Overleden: 7 Nov 1995
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Disse
First Name: Cecile Catharina
Maiden Name: Bosma
Date of Birth: 21/04/1923
Date of death: 07/11/1995
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Place during the war: Sneek, Friesland, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Sneek, Friesland, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/1058)
In September 1943, a four-year-old Jewish girl, Georgine Betty van Voolen, who was very ill, was brought to the St. Anthonius Catholic Hospital in the town of Sneek, Friesland. Along with her mother, Hetty van Voolen, her two sisters, and the two grandmothers, she had been arrested in a raid on May 26, 1943, and sent to Westerbork. Thanks to his connections, young Georgine’s father, who was hiding out in Amsterdam, managed to follow them eastward. The little girls became ill at the camp and the younger daughter died. Philip Fiedeldij Dop*, a pediatrician from Amsterdam who was brought in by the father to help, took Georgine and her mother out of the camp on a train returning from the camp to Amsterdam to get new victims. The parents went into hiding and the kind pediatrician took the critically ill child to the Jewish CIZ hospital. When he learned that the patients were due to be evacuated, at the end of the summer of 1943, Dop moved Georgine to St. Anthonius Catholic Hospital in Sneek, where she was placed under the personal supervision of Dr. Disse. She was still in critical condition, but, thanks to the medical treatment of the hospital staff, Georgine slowly recovered. George Disse hid other Jews at the hospital among the patients and managed, at great risk to his own life, to deceive the Germans when they carried out searches at the hospital. But he felt closest to the little girl and became a substitute father for her. Georgine recovered slowly and refused to let anyone else from the medical team feed her. Thus, over the 21 months that she spent in the hospital, George fed her every day. In June, after the liberation, she went back to her mother, who had spent time in different concentration camps. Her father had died shortly before the liberation. Georgine stayed in contact with George Disse and Cecile, whom he married.
On April 29, 1976, Yad Vashem recognized George Franciscus Disse and his wife, Cecile Catharina Disse-Bosma, as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: George Franciscus Disse geb. 3 Apr 1911 overl. 24 Juni 1984
Huwelijk: 30 Sept 1948 Lemsterland