Grietje Bogaards

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Johannes Bogaards
Moeder: Antje van Dorp
Geboren: 4 Feb 1899 Hazerswoude
Overleden: 17 Juli 1964
Religie: Chr. Ger.
Aantekeningen: Bogaards Grietje (1899 - 1964 )
Personal Information
Last Name: Bogaards
First Name: Grietje
Date of Birth: 04/02/1899
Date of death: 17/07/1964
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Place during the war: Hazerswoude, Zuidholland, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Hazerswoude, Zuidholland, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/3682)
Date of Recognition: 22/10/1987
Righteous Commemorated with Tree/Wall of Honor: Wall of Honor
Rescued Persons
Rodrigues, Elisabeth, Elly
Rescue Story
Bogaards, Grietje On November 15, 1942, Abraham and Lea Rodrigues, a Jewish couple from Amsterdam, decided to go into hiding with their 12-year-old son, Henry, and 11-year-old daughter, Elizabeth (Elly), and were taken in by Lizeburtus Bochove*, a pharmacist in Huizen, North Holland. In the summer of 1943, Henry and Elly spent their vacation in a house which Abraham had rented in Garderen, Gelderland, looked after by Diet van Rosendaal*, who worked in Bert’s shop, and her sister Nel. After the summer, the Ketel* family of Alphen-aan-de-Rijn, South Holland, took in Henry and Elly went to hide with Grietje Bogaards in Hazerswoude, South Holland. Abraham and Lea paid Grietje a small sum until they were arrested in Utrecht in December 1943 and deported. Grietje moved Elly to another foster family for a few weeks after the arrest, but once the coast was clear Elly came back, even though Grietje received no more money towards her upkeep. Grietje was driven solely by humanitarian and religious motives. From then on Elly went under the name Elly van Tol and moved freely around the village. Grietje even arranged for her to go to the local school. Elly stayed with “Aunt Grie” for the duration of the war, treated like her own child. She remained in touch with Aunt Grie until she passed away. On October 22 1987, Yad Vashem recognized Grietje Bogaards as Righteous Among the Nations.