Hendrik Adolf van den Berg
Geslacht: | Man | |
Vader: | Govert van den Berg | |
Moeder: | Cornelia Margaretha Schreuder | |
Geboren: | 3 MRT 1901 | Rotterdam |
Overleden: | 15 Feb 1982 | |
Religie: | Ger. | |
Beroep: | magazijnbediende, chauffeur | |
Aantekeningen: | Berg van den Hendrik (1901 - 1982 ) Personal Information Last Name: Berg van den First Name: Hendrik Adolf Alias: HENK Date of Birth: 03/03/1901 Date of death: 15/02/1982 Rescuer's fate: survived Nationality: THE NETHERLANDS Gender: Male Place during the war: Dordrecht, Zuidholland, The Netherlands Rescue Place: Dordrecht, Zuidholland, The Netherlands Rescue mode: Hiding File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/5292) Commemoration Date of Recognition: 20/05/1992 Righteous Commemorated with Tree/Wall of Honor: Wall of Honor Ceremony organized by Israeli diplomatic delegation in: The Hague, Netherlands Rescued Persons Gruenwald, Karin Rescue Story Berg van den, Hendrik Adolf & Alida (van Soest) The German authorities ordered Evert Nijhuis to go to work in Germany, but he refused to. Consequently, there was a possibility that the Germans would search the home of his parents, Evert Sr. and Johanna Nijhuis*, where Carolien Grünwald and her five-year-old daughter Karin were hiding. Kees van Soest* promptly took Karin to his sister and brother-in-law, Adolf (known as Henk) and Alida (known as Ali) van den Berg, in Dordrecht, South Holland. Henk and Ali had no children. Carolien had demanded that Kees tell the van den Bergs that Karin was Jewish, adding that if they were not prepared to take the risk of hiding her she would return with her daughter to Amsterdam. Kees returned from Dordrecht without Karin, confessing to Carolien that he had not actually told the van den Bergs that Karin was Jewish and that he had made up a story about Caroliens taking care of an old woman and Karins being bored all day. Carolien gave Kees some money and demanded that he return to Dordrecht and tell the van den Bergs the truth. When he did this Ali responded: When all the Jews in Dordrecht had to leave their homes and go and live with their families in a closed sector of Amsterdam, I cried now I have been given the opportunity to save a Jewish child, and I will do it, together with Henk. Henk was in complete agreement with her sentiments. Karin was very happy with Aunt Ali and Uncle Henk and they loved the girl dearly. Karin knew that she was forbidden to reveal to anyone that she was Jewish and, despite her young age, she kept the secret. Karin played in the street with the other children from the neighborhood without arousing any suspicions. Ali and Henk even traveled to Amsterdam to meet Carolien and keep her informed about Karins well-being. After the war, Carolien, Ali, and Henk remained very close friends. In 1948, Ali and Henk had a daughter of their own. On May 20, 1992, Yad Vashem recognized Hendrik Adolf van den Berg and his wife, Alida van den Berg-van Soest, as Righteous Among the Nations. |
Gezin 1
Huwelijkspartner: | Alida van Soest | geb. 6 MEI 1905 overl. 31 OKT 1970 |
Huwelijk: | 19 Feb 1930 | Rotterdam |