Marinus Johan Arntzen
Geslacht: | Man | |
Vader: | Marinus Johan Arntzen | |
Moeder: | Anna Catharina Doorman | |
Geboren: | 7 Juni 1887 | Amsterdam |
Overleden: | 10 Feb 1971 | |
Religie: | G.G., geen | |
Beroep: | behanger | |
Aantekeningen: | Personal Information Last Name: Arntzen First Name: Marinus Johan Date of Birth: 07/06/1887 Date of death: 10/02/1971 Rescuer's fate: survived Nationality: THE NETHERLANDS Gender: Male Organization/ Religious order: Utrechts Kindercomite Rescue Place during the war: Amersfoort, Utrecht, The Netherlands Rescue Place: Amersfoort, Utrecht, The Netherlands Rescue mode: Hiding Supplying basic goods File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/2715) Commemoration Date of Recognition: 24/11/1983 Righteous Commemorated with Tree/Wall of Honor: Tree Ceremony organized by Israeli diplomatic delegation in: The Hague, Netherlands Ceremony held in Yad Vashem: Yes Rescued Persons Pront, Siegfried, Alex, Shalom Arend den, Sophia Arntzen, Marinus Johan & Dina Luberta (Achterbergh) & Marinus Johan & Jacob Wilhelm & Dina Luberta The entire Arntzen family of Amersfoort, Utrecht, felt deeply that the crimes being perpetrated by the Germans against the Jews were horrendous. Consequently, due to this heartfelt conviction, they all became involved in underground activity. Their family home served as a halfway house between Utrecht, where the UKC was active in rescuing Jewish children, and a few childrens homes where the lives of many youngsters were saved. These homes included de Ingeborg, in the woods in Leusden, run by Mrs. Hertha Muller-Kuhlenthal*, and Treekerbergje near Amersfoort. In addition to utilizing their family home as a way station, the Arntzens also provided food and ration cards to the youngsters passing through their door. They also maintained contact with the childrens families that had been dispersed to other parts of the country. The Arntzens seldom hid Jewish children under their own roof because they were deeply involved in underground activities and could not afford the added danger to themselves and those seeking shelter with them. Fourteen-year-old Sophia den Arend, who found refuge in the Arntzen home for six months in 1943, was for this precise reason moved to the de Ingeborg childrens home. Even at de Ingerborg, Sophia continued to be cared for by the Arntzens. In March 1943, nine-year-old Siegfried Alex (later Shalom) Pront was brought to the Arntzen home. He remained in their home until November 1945, when a relative of his, Aleida Pront, discovered that he was still alive and offered to take him into her care. Siegfried later emmigrated to Israel. On November 24, 1983, Yad Vashem recognized Marinus Johan Arntzen, his wife, Dina Luberta Arntzen-Achterbergh, and their children, Marinus Johan, Jacob Wilhelm, and Dina Luberta Arntzen, as Righteous Among the Nations. |
Gezin 1
Huwelijkspartner: | Dina Lubberta van Achterbergh | geb. 2 Nov 1885 overl. 19 Nov 1979 |
Huwelijk: | 15 MRT 1917 | Amersfoort |
Kinderen: | ||
Dina Luberta Arntzen
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geb. 8 MRT 1923 | |
Marinus Johan Arntzen
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geb. 24 Nov 1919 | |
Jacob Wilhelm Arntzen
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geb. 17 Dec 1921 |