Theodora Maria van der Sluijs

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Albertus van der Sluijs
Moeder: Antonia Roefs
Geboren: 11 Nov 1909 Lith
Overleden: 3 OKT 1997
Religie: Rooms Katholiek
Aantekeningen: Personal Information
Last Name: Aar van der
First Name: Theodora
Maiden Name: Sluijs van der
Date of Birth: 11/11/1909
Date of death: 03/10/1997
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Place during the war: Ravenstein, Noordbrabant, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Ravenstein, Noordbrabant, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/7153)
Date of Recognition: 23/06/1996
Righteous Commemorated with Tree/Wall of Honor: Wall of Honor
Ceremony organized by Israeli diplomatic delegation in: The Hague, Netherlands
Rescued Persons
Levitus, Caecilie
Aar van der, Victor Petrus & Theodora Maria (van der Sluijs)
Thirteen-year-old Cäcilie Levitus came to Holland from Frankfurt with the Kindertransport as a refugee in 1938. After finishing her studies in home economics, Cäcilie went to work in the crèche for Jewish children. Because she was defined as an essential worker, Cäcilie managed to avoid deportation until September 1943 when a friend of hers urged her to go into hiding and arranged false papers for her in the name of Lamberta Kroon. Her former teachers, Maria Hoefsmit* and Cornelia Ouweleen*, put Cäcilie in touch with Wilhelmus and Elizabeth Arts*. She stayed with them until October 1943, when the villagers began to suspect that she was Jewish. Wilhelmus immediately moved her to his underground contact, Frans Wijnakker*, in a neighboring village. In early 1944, with the help of Maria and Cornelia, Cäcilie moved to a safer place. She arrived at Victor and Theodora van der Aar, who lived in another neighboring village, Ravenstein, North Brabant, which was populated entirely by Roman Catholics. In order to avoid suspicion, Cäcilie went to church with the van der Aars on Sundays. Cäcilie was introduced as Lamberta, the maid, and took care of the children and did chores around the house and the store. She moved around fairly freely, but whenever there were rumors of a razzia she rode back to the Wijnakkers until the danger subsided. The van der Aar family did not receive any money for Cäcilie’s upkeep but was provided with food coupons for her. Cäcilie stayed with the van der Aars until the liberation and stayed in touch with the van der Aars children even after the death of the parents.
On June 23, 1996, Yad Vashem recognized Victor Petrus van der Aar and his wife, Theodora Maria van der Aar-van der Sluis, as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Victor Petrus van Aar geb. 26 MRT 1910 overl. 29 Aug 1987
Huwelijk: 30 Sept 1936 Lith