Hendrik Christiaan Barthel

Geslacht: Man
Vader: Petrus Johannes Barthel
Moeder: Petronella Verrijk
Geboren: 19 Apr 1877 Haarlem
Overleden: 30 Dec 1936 Velsen
Religie: Doopsgezind
Beroep: predikant
Aantekeningen: Hendrik Christiaan Barthel, b. 19 April 1877, d. 30 December 1936, became proponent (ministerial candidate) of the Algemene Doopsgezinde Sociƫteit in 1902 after completing his studies at the University of Utrecht and the Amsterdam seminary. He served in succession the following congregations: Holwerd, 1902-1912; Balk and Woudsend, 1912-1916; Aalsmeer, 1916-1926; Twisk and Medemblik, 1926-1935, in which year he had to resign because of his health. By those who knew him he was honored as a man of simplicity and faithfulness to duty. Through his principles Christian socialism, total abstinence, nonresistance he occupied a unique place in the brotherhood.
Doopsgezind Jaarboekje (1938): 23-27, with portrait.
De Meerbode (Aalsmeer, 5 January 1937).

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Jeannette van Zurk geb. 18 Dec 1878 overl. 15 OKT 1948
Huwelijk: 23 OKT 1902 Haarlem