Jan Abram van den Broek

Geslacht: Man
Vader: Christiaan Jan Hage van den Broek
Moeder: Petronella Sophia van den Broek
Geboren: 6 MRT 1885 Middelharnis
Aantekeningen: On March 6, 1955, Jan Abram Van den Broek, Professor of Engineering Mechanics, attained the age of seventy years and thereby became eligible for retirement as an active member of the faculty of the University.
Professor Van den Broek had his high school training in Wageningen, Holland, and earned the B.S. degree at the University of Kansas in 1911, having been a surveyor in Colorado and British Columbia the preceding two years. He was detailer at the Boston Bridge Works from 1911 to 1912 and designer for the Canadian Pacific Railway Bridge Department from 1912 to 1914.
He became Instructor in Engineering Mechanics in the College of Engineering the same year and advanced steadily to the professorship. He earned the Ph.D. degree in 1918 at the University of Michigan, where he held a Carnegie Scholarship awarded him by the Iron and Steel Institute of Great Britain.
In 1940 the American Society of Civil Engineers awarded him the Norman Medal. Dr. Van den Broek was called to Washington, D.C., as a consultant to the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics in 1942, and acted in a similar capacity to the Bureau of Aeronautics of the United States Navy from 1943 to 1945. He is widely known in the United States and Canada for his research on the strength of materials and for his books. Elastic Energy Theory and Theory of Limit Design.
As he enters the emeritus status, after forty-one years of distinguished and faithful service, the Regents of the University of Michigan extend to him their sincere thanks and congratulations. They confer upon him the title Professor Emeritus of Engineering Mechanics and hope that he may enjoy the courtesies that are usually offered emeritus members of the faculty.

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Huwelijkspartner: Wendelina Pot geb. 10 Jan 1892 overl. 26 OKT 1989
Huwelijk: 21 Dec 1920 New York