Elizabeth Johanna Maria Exterkate

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Johannes Exterkate
Moeder: Maria Leuverink
Geboren: 18 OKT 1896 Delden, Stad
Overleden: 3 Dec 1985 Hengelo
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Heuker Of Hoek
First Name: Elizabeth
Maiden Name: Exterkate
Alias: BETJE
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Profession: FARMER
Place during the war: Hengelo, Overijssel, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Hengelo, Overijssel, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/2783)
Gerrit and Elisabeth (Betje) Heuker of Hoek from Hengelo, Overijssel, were farmers who lived with their six children. They were involved in stockbreeding and through this occupation came into contact with Moritz Schaap, a Jewish meat dealer. In one of their conversations, Gerrit told Moritz that he was willing to hide Jews on his farm, and so when Moritz was apprehended and sent to Mauthausen in October 1941, his wife, Erna and nine-year-old son, Klaus, fled to Gerrit’s farm. Gerrit and Betje offered the fugitives a shelter in a man-made cave in the fields of the farm. They hid there for nine months. Three months after Erna Schaap and her son arrived on the farm, the Heuker of Hoeks agreed to shelter three additional Jews: Alex and Gerda Lazarus and their daughter Dina (Inge), friends of the Schaaps. At a later date, the Heuker of Hoeks also took in the Lazarus’s grandmother and a pregnant aunt. After she gave birth, there were eight people hiding on the farm and the Heuker of Hoeks were receiving no reimbursement for their expenses. Nevertheless, a little later, the family still welcomed Dina and Walter Oppenheimer onto their property. The Oppenheimers, who also hid with Johan Schukkink* and his wife, paid a reasonable amount of money to be hidden. The Heuker of Hoeks took considerable risks in order to save the lives of the Jews they hid from 1942 until the end of the war. They were motivated by humanitarian and religious principles.
On February 16, 1984, Yad Vashem recognized Gerrit Heuker of Hoek and his wife, Elisabeth Heuker of Hoek-Exterkate, as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Gradus Hermannus Heuker of Hoek geb. 26 Nov 1887 overl. 21 Feb 1953
Huwelijk: 24 Sept 1920 Hengelo