Adriana Carolina Coolsma

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Frederik Coolsma
Moeder: Adriana Carolina Vervloet
Geboren: 23 Sept 1916 Coevorden
Overleden: 5 Aug 2006 onbekend
Religie: Ned. Hervormd
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Coolsma
First Name: Adriana Carolina
Maiden Name: Vervloet
Date of Birth: 23/09/1916
Date of death: 05/09/2006
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Place during the war: Hilversum, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Hilversum, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/5383)
“Jeanne Coolsma was a lovely girl with long blonde plaits around her head. As a child, she had contracted poliomyelitis, which had left her with a limp. She dressed like a proper German Fraulein and looked quite innocent, but feared nobody and nothing and did whatever she felt should be done,” wrote Debora van Hessen-Kattenburg in her testimony to Yad Vashem. Although Adriana (Jeanne) was the daughter of a vicar, her motives for helping people during the war were humanitarian rather than religious. Throughout the war, Jeanne hid people, Jews and non-Jews, in her home in Hilversum, North Holland. Among those she hid were Debora’s brother Dirk, Dutch people, and foreigners such as a German girl and two American pilots. The pilots managed to return to their country with the help of the Albrecht underground group. After the war, Jeanne received letters of gratitude from General Eisenhower and Air Marshal Lord Tedder for her involvement in the pilots’ escape.
On August 5, 1992, Yad Vashem recognized Adriana Carolina Coolsma-Vervloet as Righteous Among the Nations.