Izaak Groenenberg

Geslacht: Man
Vader: Cornelis Groenenberg
Moeder: Helena Pieternella Siefers
Geboren: 9 Apr 1903 Dordrecht
Overleden: 21 MEI 1979 Beilen
Religie: Ger. Kerk
Beroep: predikant
Aantekeningen: Last Name: Groenenberg
First Name: Izaac Isaac
Date of Birth: 09/04/1903
Date of death: 22/05/1979
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Male
Profession: REVEREND
Place during the war: Nederhorst Den Berg, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Nederhorst Den Berg, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding Arranging shelter
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/296)
Izaäc Groenenberg, the strictly Calvinist (Gereformeerd) vicar of Nederhorst den Berg, North Holland, had a congregation of 2,330 worshipers and during the occupation lived in a large vicarage with his wife Bartje (Barbara), and seven children. He believed that his faith required him to resist the deportation of Jews and he hid several Jews in the vicarage. However, during one raid, the van den Bergs, a Jewish couple, were found and deported and two of the van Zanten children then had to be moved for their own safety. Their elder brother, who was also hiding in Nederhorst den Berg, was caught and shot. However, Izaäc and Barbara refused to be discouraged. From September 1943, they hid Leonie (Loek) Ossedrijver, alias Corrie Jansen, of Rotterdam, who had suddenly been forced to leave her former hiding place in Rijnsburg, South Holland. Barbara was grateful for Loek’s help with her large family. Izaäc became one of the pillars of the local Resistance. On Sundays he preached against the occupiers from his pulpit and from Monday to Saturday he became van Daelen, a Resistance activist who helped many Jews hide with families in his parish. One of those he helped was Irma van den Berg, the van den Bergs’ daughter, who was warmly welcomed by the Korvers*, a farming family. The vicarage became a central transit station for the local Resistance. Inge Oppenheim found shelter there until the end of the war. Barbara remained calm throughout, even during the many Sipo searches of the vicarage and the church. She was always quick to provide the fugitives with two days’ worth of food to take into their underground hideout there and, from September 1943 on, it was never discovered. Even Barbara’s pregnancy and the birth of her eighth child just before the liberation did not hinder her in managing the large household. Izaäc and Barbara named the child Leonie Irma Inge after the three Jewish girls whose lives they saved.
On February 28, 1967, Yad Vashem recognized Izaäc Groenenberg and his wife, Barbara Groenenberg-de Kleer, as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Bartje de Kleer geb. 15 Juli 1903 overl. 3 Aug 1984
Huwelijk: 19 Apr 1929 Den Haag