Antje Roos

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Arie Roos
Moeder: Antje Tensen
Geboren: 28 MRT 1915 Alkmaar
Overleden: 25 Sept 1989
Religie: Geref. Kerk
Beroep: verpleegster
Aantekeningen: Geerling Antje (1915 - 1989 )
Personal Information
Last Name: Geerling
First Name: Antje
Maiden Name: Roos
Alias: ANS
Date of Birth: 28/03/1915
Date of death: 25/09/1989
Rescuer's fate: survived
camp inmate
Gender: Female
Profession: NURSE
Organization/ Religious order: Westerweel Groep
Place during the war: •Alkmaar, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Amsterdam, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Ravensbrück, Camp, Germany
Rescue Place: Amsterdam, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Arranging shelter
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/67)
Date of Recognition: 16/06/1964
Righteous Commemorated with Tree/Wall of Honor: Tree
Wall of Honor
Ceremony organized by Israeli diplomatic delegation in: The Hague, Netherlands
Rescue Story
Geerling, Antje (Roos)
Antje (Ans) Roos was a nurse who came from a family of Resistance activists in Alkmaar, North Holland. Her brother, Cornelis Roos*, who was executed in July 1943, belonged to the Arondeus* group, which had raided and blown up the Amsterdam population registration office. Ans also belonged to this group and participated in several dangerous missions with them. Many other members of her family hid Jews during the war, many of whom were Zionist youth, members of the Hehalutz movement whom Ans met through Gideon Drach, one of the pioneer-refugees from Germany who was instrumental in the group's rescue. Ans, who worked in Amsterdam, frequently visited the Hehalutz office on the Tolstraat and became very friendly with some of the women there. Through them, she joined the Westerweel group founded by Joop Westerweel*, who, together with his friends, found hiding places for the Loosdrecht halutzim in August 1942. In 1940, Ans was working as a psychiatric nurse in Amsterdam when she decided there was no future in psychiatry and retrained as a midwife. During her training she worked in the tuberculosis ward of a hospital and as a nanny for a Jewish family. In the hospital, Ans and the head nurse started a petition that was signed by all the patients protesting the dismissal of Jewish doctors, nurses, and medical staff from Dutch hospitals. When the Gestapo came for the Jewish family she worked for, Ans saved them with her quick thinking and presence of mind: when she opened the door to the Germans she simply told them that they had been preceded by another roundup group. Though initially Ans divided her time between the Resistance and her hospital work, her parents encouraged her to devote herself to the Resistance full-time. Her major activity was rescuing children and finding places for them to hide, but she also worked with Jewish adults and with organized groups such as the Arondeus group. Ans was arrested after the raid on the Amsterdam population registration office and sentenced to a year at hard labor in Ravensbrück. She returned home in 1944, weak, thin, and ill with tuberculosis, but returned to her underground work after she recuperated. She worked as a courier for an underground newspaper and for the PBC, distributing forged identity papers to those in hiding.
On June 16, 1964, Yad Vashem recognized Antje Geerling-Roos as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Joan Hendrik Geerling geb. 26 Nov 1908 overl. 12 Nov 1974
Huwelijk: 27 Feb 1953 Amsterdam