Leliana Schoen

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Murk Jan Schoen
Moeder: Adriana Wilhelmina Petronella Keg
Geboren: 10 Juli 1918 Zaandam
Overleden: 17 MRT 2015 Santpoort-Zuid
Aantekeningen: Blankevoort Leliana (1918 - ? )
Personal Information
Last Name: Blankevoort
First Name: Leliana
Maiden Name: Schoen
Date of Birth: 10/07/1918
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Place during the war: Dedemsvaart, Overijssel, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Dedemsvaart, Overijssel, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/2965)
Date of Recognition: 06/09/1984
Righteous Commemorated with Tree/Wall of Honor: Wall of Honor
Ceremony organized by Israeli diplomatic delegation in: The Hague, Netherlands
Rescued Persons
Montezinos, Alida
Rescue Story
Blankevoort, Willem Nicolaas & Leliana (Schoen) Willem and Leliana Blankevoort lived on a houseboat called the Alcantra in Dedemsvaart, Overijssel. Despite the risks of being caught, the young couple agreed to hide an 18-year-old Jewish girl named Alida Montezinos. The Dutch Resistance brought her to them on December 7, 1943, Willem’s 26th birthday. Earlier Alida had been smuggled out of the Hollandsche Schouwburg, an old theater which the Germans used to assemble the Jews before sending them to extermination camps. The Blankevoorts pretended to their neighbors that Alida was a servant, though some of them guessed she was Jewish. However, Willem and Leliana made every effort to conceal Alida’s identity. They renamed her Annie at first and for a time she had false identity papers under the name Efia Reinders. Alida maintained good relations with Willem and Leliana and kept in touch with them after the war. In 1961, she married a Polish Jewish chess player, Ignacy Branicki. She died childless in 1970. On September 6, 1984, Yad Vashem recognized Willem Nicolaas Blankevoort and his wife, Leliana Blankevoort-Schoen, as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Willem Nicolaas Blankevoort geb. 7 Dec 1917 overl. 3 Jan 1994
Huwelijk: 21 MEI 1942 Bloemendaal