Alida Jacoba Soeters

Geslacht: Vrouw
Vader: Martinus Christianus Soeters
Moeder: Henriette Adriane Dorré
Geboren: 12 Nov 1902 Vriezenveen
Overleden: 24 OKT 1989 Bussum
Aantekeningen: Bilthoven. Ondertekent Dienstweigeringsmanifest Mobiliseren 1925. Ondertekent Dienstweigeringsmanifest Mobiliseren 1927.
Personal Information
Last Name: Wansink
First Name: Alida
Maiden Name: Soeters
Date of Birth: 12/11/1902
Date of death: 24/10/1989
Rescuer's fate: survived
Gender: Female
Place during the war: Santpoort, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue Place: Santpoort, Noordholland, The Netherlands
Rescue mode: Hiding
File number: File from the Collection of the Righteous Among the Nations Department (M.31.2/1145)
Date of Recognition: 09/10/1977
Righteous Commemorated with Tree/Wall of Honor: Tree
Ceremony organized by Israeli diplomatic delegation in: The Hague, Netherlands
Ceremony held in Yad Vashem: Yes
Rescued Persons
Boers, Hemelrijk, First name unknown
Spijer, Herbert
Spijer, Elleke
Wansink, Derk Johan & Alida Jacoba (Soeters)
One day in 1940, Dr. Derk Wansink met his good friend Dr. Jaap M. Hemelrijk, a member of the Dutch underground. Wansink offered his friend a hiding place in his home. Dr. Hemelrijk suggested that Wansink should take in Jewish children instead. Jaap’s son, Jan, was one of the heads of the Dutch underground and was himself a half-Jew. He subsequently brought two Jewish children to the Wansink home in Santpoort, North Holland: Elleke and Herbert Spijer. The two children received false identity papers from the underground. A year earlier, in 1939, Derk, who was a Social Democrat, had published a work called Socialism at the Crossroads, which spoke out against antisemitism. As a result, his name was on the Germans’ blacklist. Herbert, the young Jewish boy hidden by the Wansinks, was a sickly child and had to be taken to the hospital in Haarlem. This was not an easy task as Herbert had been circumcised. The underground together with Derk arranged for medical care by having Derk pose as a medical doctor instead of a doctor of history. This was not the only problem. Their neighbor was a leading figure in the Dutch Nazi Party and the Wansinks had to be especially careful. The children were hidden in the attic and all the family members cooperated in protecting and taking care of them. The Spijer children were hidden in the Wansink home in Santpoort until the Germans evacuated the civilian population in December 1944. Between January and September 1944, Jaap’s sister, D. Broers-Hemelrijk, joined the children.
On October 27, 1977, Yad Vashem recognized Derk Johan Wansink and his wife, Alida Jacoba Wansink-Soeters, as Righteous Among the Nations.

Gezin 1

Huwelijkspartner: Derk Johan Wansink geb. 6 Dec 1898 overl. 17 Juni 1978
Huwelijk: 1923 Neede
  Woltera Gerharda Wansink Female geb. 5 Aug 1932 overl. 29 Aug 1996